research presentation KASK

Presentation of the research 31/05/2016 @KASK school of Arts, Gent, BE
Elli Vassalou, Autonomous design  Master year 1object-bios-kask

This research began as an archiving and documentation of the objects migrating with people in the area of the Aegean sea [sea border Turkey coast- Lesvos island]. It quickly transformed to a more broad research on migration, objects, objectification of migration and more.

The research consists:

  1. the web archive. Grigoriadou Sofia & Vassalou Elli [on going]
    Using various sources such as social and mass media, personal and collective archives and in situ observations, we archive stories connected to things in a blog entitled “Object biographies: relocation, reuse, transformation”.
    The blog has been presented in various venues in Greece and Belgium.
  2. master project research. Elli Vassalou
    After volunteering in December 2015 and returning to Belgium seeing how the situation is communicated, I decided to full focus my master project in the shifting landscape of Lesvos and the object biographies. Through these, the story of the situation is reflected, not only concerning the refugees but also the locals, the volunteers, the artists, the smugglers, the solidarity movement, the governments, and everybody involved intentionally or not.
    Archaeology of today
    I am interested in researching on this new layer of history in the making. How is weaved through these object biographies that are becoming raw material or new icons in the hands of the locals, migrants, volunteers and activists.
    How the migration flows are not coming to devastate or destroy the place and the identity of the island but to enrich it, add new stories at its history and new folds to its identity.
  3. safe passage / safe stay. Elli Vassalou. Photography [December 2015, March 2016]
    In situ documentation at the island of Lesvos. Reuse and transformations of the most common sea migration objects  [life vests and rubber boats] by the safe passage movement. In this series, objects suitable for sea travel transform to objects of building a better living in the refugee camps of the island. Qualities of the objects such as water resistance become extremely useful in the hands of refugees, volunteers and locals, especially for the winter time. Also the way these things are being built is an open source, organic design, where everyone can improve or change the objects using a variety of local natural materials [such as stone and clay], migrating materials and humanitarian aid ones [such as thermal blankets and the big amount of palettes arriving with donations].
  4. sensorial activations. Elli Vassalou
    Tryouts of translating the research material in embodied experiences.
    Changing room“. In PAF, France,  a related participatory event tryout  took place in March 2016. It was inspired by a talk with Alison Terry-Evans of the Dirty Girls organisation about clothing and identity. Participants were called to change their clothes and wear somebody else’s ones. The dressing room was constructed with only reused materials fount in the ex-chapel or around the corridors of PAF.

In the basements of KASK, May 31, I make a new attempt of physical exploration of the “illegal passage“.


photography project in Calais, by Jeta Bejtullahu

see the project here:

solidarity products


scientists, designers, politicians / profiting from solidarity movements

articles only in greek

Τσάντα από σωσίβιο πρόσφυγα, ωραία ιδέα με πολλά λεφτά products

Πρόγραμμα διαχείρισης και ανακύκλωσης πλαστικών λέμβων και σωσιβίων

people as commodities

“While a majority of people around the world are supposed to be immobilized by borders, free mobility exists for commodities, capital and jobs. Commodities are free to move. Not surprisingly, travellers without papers are hidden in containers and trucks among commodities, or rather as commodities, to be able to cross borders. They, getting a chance to cross borders, only squeezed between boxes of merchandises, camouflaged as a ‘thinglike’ (Coutin 2005) en route of the global trade structure, depict the paradox of our time; global capitalism stimulates and illegalizes border crossing at the same time.”

Against the motion: Shahram Khosravi
Is a world without borders Utopian?
Dystopia/night dreams

full text here: